A while ago, my son's kindy teacher from last year gave me a bag of scrap wool that was left over finger knitting and knots. She was going to get rid of it thought but I might be able to do something with it. So I took it home. Katie and I spent a few hours untangling and undoing finger knitting and lots of knots. The bag has been sitting in my stash of a while now. I pulled it out the other day and knitted up these cute little chickens.
I have seen hanging bird mobiles in the Indian nik-nak shops made with recycled material. I love them but they have been a bit pricey. I thought I'd make my own with recycled wool.
Here's how I did it.......I cast on 12 stitches, knitted a square so that when I folded it over it made a triangle. Where the sides match up, sew the side up and stuff it with wool or poly fill. Sew the other side up and sew on some little scrap red felt for the wattles. I had some wooden beads that I used from a necklace that I got from the opp shop a few weeks ago, knotted an old bell on the bottom and a key ring up top, then threaded it together with some strong thick beading thread. Easy....:) It was a great way to used up wool scraps and odd beads.